Hurricane season runs from June 1 to November 30 with the peak period from early August through the end of October.
TOP 10 Hurricane Tips for the Home:
- First, get important papers (social security cards, birth certificates, titles, etc) and special photos in order and secured in plastic.
- Think ahead and take video or photos of your property before you leave. This will help with insurance.
- If staying with relatives is not an option, consider booking a room in a hotel, motel or emergency shelter in a nearby town or state. Be sure to have directions printed out in advance and leave them in your car. Fill your car’s gas tank.
- Think ahead for your pets. Try to find a place to go which can accommodate your pets or find boarding for them.
- Designate a spot, such as the hall closet, to keep a bag of clothes for each person in the household. Make sure to include sleeping gear.
- Along with overnight clothes, consider stocking your Hurricane Kit with the following: extra cash, generator , batteries, flash lights, battery operated radio/television, bottled water, toilet paper, first aid kit, non-perishable foods such as cereal or crackers, canned goods, a can opener, a small cooler, candles, prescription medicines; and if you have small children-diapers, baby wipes, formula, baby food.
- Count on the power being out for at least a day or two. Turn the refrigerator and freezer to the coldest setting and keep them closed as much as possible so that the food will last longer. Have some cash on hand.
- Plywood is a ‘hot’ commodity for those of you who decide to stay. Boarding up windows that will take the brunt of the wind and rain is a wise decision. Bring in anything that can be picked up by the wind (lawn furniture, toys, etc.) Turn off propane tanks and unplug small appliances.
- If you decide to tough out the storm, stay downwind in your home. This means if the wind is hitting the living room windows, go to the room opposite the living room.
- Finally, STAY INSIDE. However tempting it may be to videotape or take photos of the storm, be sure to shoot from indoors-where it’s safe.